Our practice covers all aspects of family law including divorce, separation agreements and dissolution of civil partnerships. We offer bespoke and fixed fee packages to cover all types of circumstances. At your initial meeting we will discuss the steps involved in the process from start to finish, including any fees involved.
Separation Agreements
Separation agreements are legally-binding written documents which set out the agreements made between parties. They can cover anything from division of assets and finances to contact and residence for any children. They are a valuable and cost effective tool used by couples to settle important issues prior to proceeding to court for divorce/dissolution.
Fixed Fee Divorces
£625.00 plus VAT and outlays
We are pleased to offer our clients a fixed fee divorce service where financial and child care matters are not in dispute. A formal Court action still requires to be raised where there are children of the marriage who are under 16. This is because the Court wants to make sure that the children have been at the forefront of the parents' minds when making arrangements for their divorce. No appearance in Court is normally required and instead important information can be lodged with the Court in affidavits. Affidavits are signed, sworn witness statements. Due to our expertise in obtaining this type of divorce we can typically obtain a divorce order within 6-8 weeks of first meeting with you. The current fixed fee for this type of divorce is £625.00 plus VAT and court outlays.
Fixed Fee Dissolution of Civil Partnership
£625.00 plus VAT and outlays
We are pleased to offer the same fixed fee service for civil partners looking to have their civil partnership dissolved. This fixed fee applies where all financial and child care matters have been resolved but there are children of the civil partnership under 16 years of age. Our expertise in this area allows us to offer a first-class service that typically results in the dissolution of the civil partnership within 6- 8 weeks. The current fixed fee for this type of dissolution of civil partnership is £625.00 plus VAT and court outlays. If there are children involved or outstanding financial issues to be resolved we will discuss the fees involved during your initial meeting.
All aspects of divorce handled confidentially and efficiently
Separation Agreements
We can assist with separation agreements from start to finish.